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Monday, February 15, 2016

Advocating Wrapup

Are you a planner? I’m not, but the world of autism taught me that planning is the difference between success and failure. And who wants to fail. Taking time to do your ground work makes all the difference in the world. There is no guarantee that planning will bring success. On the other hand, without planning the likelihood of success is decreased significantly.

We’ve talked about the steps needed.

1. Decide what the priorities are. If you don’t know, visit with an experienced special needs parent might get you going. That may lead you to a trusted professional for more analysis so the priorities become clear.

2. Once the priorities are clear, determine a schedule to begin to work on priorities. This can be done at various levels. A daily schedule is needed as well as, a weekend schedule. A summer and school vacation routine is important. A priority list of issues to work on is important. It’s important to only take 1-2 issues at a time when planning next steps.

3. Assess a professional that is a potential provider in several ways. They need to be competent and skilled. The people skills of a provider matter. Make sure the provider is a good fit with your child and with you. Without all of the people working together, little progress will be made.

4. It’s one thing at a time. Make sure you do interventions in manageable units. While trying an intervention or two, stay connected with others that you can network. Both of these will benefit both you and your child.

Let me know how it’s going.