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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Execute Intervention

Executing Steps to See Academic Process

Begin therapy or tutoring

Maintain Consistency (keep appointments or a schedule you determine)

Therapist suggestions or homework should be added to the family’s daily calendar

Practice and hard work are essential to progress. A child won’t practice unless an adult oversees and expects it. It must be practiced because that’s how skill is developed. With a weekly tutoring or therapy appointment, the skill is taught. The skill must be practiced for proficiency to occur. The skill will not be practiced unless the parent or other adult requires it.

Recognize the fact that the child is likely to “make a fuss” about practicing a skill he isn’t strong in. No one likes to do things that are hard. Honestly, it’s the only way he will progress and shore up some of his weaknesses.

The only adage “practice makes perfect” may not be an absolute truth but it is definitely a good motto for the child who needs some extra work.