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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Parenting During the Month of May

I have always felt that the schedule in May makes it a very exhausting month.  Let’s think of all the things that any family might have going during this month.  
1.  Mother’s Day
2.  School music programs
3.  Sports practices and games
4.  Field trips
5.  Track and Field Day at school.
6.  End of the year picnic at school.
7.  Graduation ceremonies and parties
8.  Sign ups for summer activities
9.  Finding childcare if you work outside the home or planning a trip without the kids.
10.Anything that has to get done before school ends such as preparing for the family reunion over Memorial Day weekend, reservations for the family vacation or the camping trip with some families at your church.

Ok, take a deep breath.  Try to plan some time of relaxation in May.  Taking a little time every week to rejuvenate may be the difference between surviving well and barely rolling across the finish line on June 1.  You have a busy summer with your family.  The children are home...that takes energy.  Don’t start June totally depleted.  Make time to slow down and replenish yourself spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.  It’s important.  You and your well being is important.  My husband always told me, “We need you.  We need our mom.”  My family depends on me and that’s one great reason to take care of myself!