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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mom: Take a Break!

graphic from Friendship Circle A great blog dealing with disability issues.


I know Easter is coming. There are things to get done! I realize that. Workers get a 15 minute break a couple times a day. Elementary school children get recess. All the research shows that workers and children are more productive with these little breaks. That is exactly why a mom needs to take a day off before a time that will demand a lot of physical and emotional energy. Easter is one of those times.

  • There will food to cook
  • Outfits to get ready
  • Pictures to take
  • Food to prepare
  • Shopping of all kinds
  • Easter basket preparations
  • Easter egg hunts
  • Extended family activities
  • House guests
  • Lots and lots of unpredictable moments that cause stress
  • House to clean for guests
  • Traveling to relatives

The list could go on but I'll stop here. I am tired even thinking about it. Maybe you need to simplify your schedule. That's another subject for another post. I think you need to plan a "kick back day" now and another one right after Easter. I think you need them both!