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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Occupational Therapy Wrapup

Above visual motor writing tool may be purchased at Timberdoodle
As we've seen, Occupational Therapy encompasses a mass amount of areas. As we wrap-up this series, it may be helpful to think about all the areas that are affected by these
  • Reading requires a person to use visual tracking.
  • Writing requires hand strength, fine motor coordination, sensory integration of many sensory systems when taking notes, copying from the board. It includes everything from listening comprehension to visual motor to balance issues when the vestibular system has to readjust when a student looks up at the board, down at his paper and turns toward a teacher who is walking around the room.
  • Attention and focus are affected by a child's posture. Good posture comes from strong core muscles.
  • General academic success is much easier if both sides of the brain and working well together. This is why crossing the midline is so important.
  • Large motor ability is needed for athletics and play. Lack of these gross motor skills not only prevent participation in activities but also participation with peers. Social skills, confidence and self esteem are areas that may suffer if children don't participate in these activities.

These are just a few practical areas that occupational therapy may help. The best way to find out is to have an OT evaluation if you are concerned about any areas in your child.