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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Helping Your School Aged Children Finish Strong

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at Free Digital

It’s spring. Easter is over and there’s only a few weeks of school left. It is so easy to let down your guard and just float through the last weeks of school. Here are a few thoughts to help you keep your household on trac so everyone finishes the school year strong.

  • Keep regular bed times. Your children may beg to stay outside longer with the extra daylight and warmer temperatures. Don’t give into these requests. A regular bedtime will do more to keep your children rested and focused at school.
  • Keep up with the homework routines you’ve had all year. So many children who’ve done well end up with a lower grade when they "let down" at the end of the semester.
  • Teach your children that the end is that …..the end. It is not the end yet. This will teach them responsibility, focus and perseverence. They only learn it as young children if a parent structures life expecting them to follow through.
  • Keep up any routines that have happened all year on school days. If clothes are laid out the night before…..continue that until the last day of school. If you, as the parent, follow through then your children have a good model and remember children catch much more through your actions than through your words.

Keep up the good work. It’s only a few more weeks but the effort will pay big dividends now and for years to come.

It’s spring. Easter is over and there’s only a few weeks of school left. It is so easy to let down your guard and just float through the last weeks of school. Here are a few thoughts to help you keep your household on track so everyone finishes the school year strong.