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Monday, April 13, 2015

Tools for Behavior Strategies to Work: 2 C's

Image courtesy of khunaspix at

The last couple of weeks we've talked about the above strategy and how to set up the reinforcement plan. Let's finish it off today. We are going to talk about the two C's it takes to make this strategy really work.

1. Communication

2. Consistency

First, let's look at communication. If something isn't communicated in an easy to understand manner, it will probably fall on it's face. So how should it me communicated?

  • Simply
  • Visually so there is a lasting reminder of what will occur, the rules, the exceptions and the process
  • Using few and well chosen words. Don't overload the child with too many words to process
  • Explain verbally and visually (with pictures and/or words) about reinforcement plan and how it's earned
  • Revamp your communication if there are aspects your child doesn't understand
  • Ask the child situation based questions of what he should do if ________ happens.
  • Spoken words need to be complete, well chosen and kept to a minimum. Don't over communicate.


  • Follow the plan you have outlined and communicated to your child
  • Avoid "giving him a break this time". This only confuses him. Last tme I had to follow the plan but not today. What am I expected to do next time?
  • Recognize that there will be upset if this approach is new to your child. Be willing to endure some rough days as you are implementing this strategy. It should pay off within a short time.

What if it isn't working? Here are a few areas to look at.

  • Is it too big of a skill to do without being overwhelmed? You may need to break the skill down into smaller component parts.
  • Does he understand what is being asked? You may need to communicate it differently.
  • Are you using the strategies from last week's post on reinforcement?
  • Are you using the proper level of reinforcement to create motivation in the child? Without motivation, there won't be much progress.
  • Are you unknowingly reinforcing the behavior you don't want? This will be our topic next Tuesday.