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Thursday, April 23, 2015

You Are Not Alone

Image courtesy of zirconicusso at

I just returned from Access Summit in Washington D.C. Area. It is an annual conference hosted by the disability ministry at McLean Bible Church in McLean, Virginia. It was a wonderful conference with speakers and exhibitors that covered any subject that touches the lives of individuals who have a diagnosis of a disability. It also dealt with those of love these individuals.

I talked with a lot of other parents like myself. We were very much alike while having tremendous differences. Though our children were all different abilities, ages and lived in different places, we shared a common bond.

  • We love our children more than we could ever express.
  • We grieve the losses we feel for our children from the life they would have without disabilities.
  • We grieve the losses we feel as a parent and recognize they are significant.
  • We are looking for information and resources to help all the members of our family.
  • We are tired: emotionally, physically, mentally and in all ways.
  • We are in a club that we didn't want to join but are dealing with it one day at a time.
  • We feel a kinship that we can't express in words being with people who live the same life.
  • There is great comfort in knowing we are not alone on this journey called special needs parenting.

On days when you feel alone, know you are not. First and foremost, God is there for you. He has said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." That brings great comfort, especially on the tough days. You have a friend here, I live the same kind of live as you do. It may look different. My circumstances are not the same as yours. But I live the special needs mom life just like you do! Please stop by again because I am your cheerleader and want to let you know, I Believe in You!!