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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blessings of a Full Life


Image courtesy of winnond at


My life has always been full. I don't know much about laying around watching movies all day and eating chocolates. I think those things are important to do in order to take a break but a daily diet of this lifestyle would get old very quickly. I have always been busy with work, church, friends, children, extended family and now with my own business and blogging added to the list.

I must say that it is a blessing. Thinking about the blessing of a full life, I would like to share some thoughts from a recent series at my church. My husband just preached a series with the title of an old Polish proverb, "Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys." One aspect of the series was the danger of Idleness. Idleness has some warnings in scripture. Here is one from I Timothy 5. 13Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. Here are a few blessings of a full life that the idlers in the above verse had difficulty.

No time to try to control others.

Little time to argue about personal preferences in parenting, politics and culture.

No time to gossip about people with friends.

Not noticing little things that would be irritants with more time on your hands.

No time to think about irritants and complain to others about them.

Lack of self centered focus (what I like or want) because there are other things that demand my attention

Next week, I will be back sharing how minding our own business gives us a life of freedom to do important things as extra time opens up to us.