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Friday, August 21, 2015

Fair: Last Moments of Summer


Many families avoid the fair with children with sensory challenges. I live in a state where the State Fair is AUGUST. School doesn't start until the state fair is over. It is a part of culture here in the Midwest. We have always taken all of our children to the fair. We selected what we would do. The most important thing is Spin Art. We go to the petting zoo, animal buildings, see a life size cow made of butter, Lego displays and eat many things on a stick. I can remember my son climbing into the huge tractor cabs at the fair. He had a blast, We went on quieter days during the week or when it rained so the crowds would be less, There are ways to do lots of activities like the fair with sensory sensitive children. It takes a little extra planning but let them enjoy as you can figure out a plan that will enable them and (you) to have a good time.