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Monday, August 24, 2015

Organizing Information about your Child


Files? Really! It’s the digital age. Do I need to keep paper files? Great question. I don’t keep the amount of paper files that I use to but a small portable file box that can be taken to meetings is handy.

For the paper copies I do want to access, here is the system that I use.

1. Official Documentation. Diagnois, evaluations

2. IEP (we didn’t have one but for those who do: a separate file would be necessary)

3. Insurance, waiver or Medicaid information

4. General information of my son’s diagnosis

5. Articles from magazines, newspapers, online,( disabilities, adoption,autism ect)

6. Handouts from seminars, workshops,conferences (I have file folders for several categories) (sensory, communication, biomedical, Christian disability conferences, visual supports)

7. Spiritual (resources from a Christian perspective)

The file box should be small so it is kept in a place with easy access such as the kitchen counter, a closet in your bedroom or where ever you often work on disability, medical, or education “stuff” for your child.

It doesn't need to be elaborate. Simple is best especially for finding what you need quickly. I would love to hear how you keep important paperwork organized.