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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Last Opportunity for Summer!


It's our last chance to enjoy summer for a few days in a row. The lazy days of summer are over. Most children have started school. Summer is so short (especially for us in the Northern part of the U.S.). If you don't plan it now, you will miss this opportunity. I remember so many Labor Days going to Family Camp at our denomination's campground. So many memories. That may not be your plan but make a plan and do it. It could be as simple as inviting another family over for Pizza. It might be a trip to the amusement park or a water balloon fight. No matter what it is, make some memories with people you love.

For me there are foods, we only do in summer. I am planning on eating some cantaloupe, watermelon, deviled eggs, peaches, corn on the cob and tomatoes. My son has a birthday on Labor Day so we will do things he loves. I can see some Star Wars and Dr. Who Marathons at my house on Labor Day. Whatever you do, enjoy! Try resting for from your labor and grab a little more summer fun!