Yesterday's post discussed pace and how it affects a child with learning difference. Pace is the rate or speed of movement. Today, look at how God's pace is sometimes different than ours.
Remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalms 27:13-14
These verses say so much. I need to be confident that God will show His goodness to me, no matter what the situation is. Goodness is a character quality of God. It reminds me that God is predictable in His character. I know that God will always be faithful to His nature. With that said, God is not always predictable in His actions and especially in His pace. God often doesn't move in the direction that is expected or even desired. He doesn't move at the same speed that I would.
My confidence is in His character and His word. I stand with David that I will see the goodness of the Lord in this life. But when? That is where verse 14 comes in. This is a sandwich verse. Think of both ends as pieces of bread and the middle is the filling. It begins with wait for the Lord. This is where God's character is trusted. His timing or pace is not revealed. Waiting is part of placing faith in the character of God. It is not easy especially if the waiting period is long. The sandwich filling addresses this. Be strong and take heart. It's not easy to wait. It may be just as hard as doing something. It may take more endurance to stay the course but it's God's plan. Discouragement is so easy especially with lack of activity. It takes more strength to wait. Waiting is not a waste,it is a calling sometimes. It's time to finish the sandwich. Once again it reiterates the first part of the sandwich, Wait for the Lord, so the message is not forgotten.
Keep trusting the Lord as He reveals His plans at His own pace!