Grief Is part of life on this side of heaven. There are losses in life. In fact, lots of them!
- Death of a loved one.
- Divorce
- Miscarriage of a child
- Moving
- A changed relationship (aging parents)
- An accident or health crisis that changes life
- A child diagnosed with a disability or learning difference
Most of these will touch you in some way. I have had many of these. I want to encourage you to grieve any losses you experience. Life changes and things are different from the dreams you had. That bubble has burst. No matter what the issue(s) is/are don't forget to grieve the losses you experience. This is good mental health. I would strongly I courage you to find a friend or two who are willing "to go there" with you. If that's not sufficient, go see a good reputable counselor. It's not a crutch, it is a humble act of strength. You are saying, "I need help and I am willing to accept it." Quality counseling may be what you need to be the best you. If you are a caregiver for someone with lots of needs, that is a high stress job. Take care of your physical and emotional health so you can fulfill that role.