Summer is a time that families and children do things that create a lot of memories. I am often told,"wish our family could so that. John's disability keeps us from doing all kinds of things." Well, I take exception to that! No, I don't know you situation but many things may be possible with some accommodations. I look at all the things my son did growing up. There were some activities that he never did but many traditional summer fun was enjoyed by him. It took a little work but it was worth it.
- Going to the pool. We had a friend who had a pool in her back yard and allowed us to use it often.
- Summer camp. My son went to the same overnight Bible Camp that my daughters had attended. We worked with the camp and came up with a plan that worked for everyone. It took a lot of planning on my part. It also required an extra counselor in my son's ca in. This was a "flexibility needed" activity but it worked. It wasn't perfect but it allowed my son to experience camp.
- Family camp. Many Christian camping ministries have family camp. Families spend the nights and free time doing camp activities. The rest of the time is spent doing age based programs. Our family attended a family camp at Mt. Herman, CA for 11 years. This camp was very comfortable with special needs and my son thrived there. My daughters love it and will tell you it was one of their favorite things our family did.
- Vacations. Traveling with kids can be challenging but even more so if there is a child with a disabilities. We were "big" on vacations and managed them quite well. There needed to be a plan but our son grew so much from traveling.
- Play dates. Oh, this can be challenging but it is so important. Every child is different but we found that short and structured made these times a lot more successful.
- Everyday fun like slip and slide, yard games, side walk chalk and bubbles went much better if there was a definite beginning and end. Good communication and remembering to check for the child's understanding make these activities more fun.
- Keeping a good sleep and eating schedules will make summer a lot more fun. Children do best with routines especially children with learning differences!
Over the next few weeks, let's look at ways to make summer activities good memories. There may be some tough days but maybe there will be fewer ones this summer!