Daily routines can be learned using different types of visual supports. Many times, the routine is learned quickly and retained by the use of visuals. These visuals help cue the child when he forgets a step. Visuals are such a great asset to helping children develop greater independence. Visual supports help children
- Learn through manageable steps
- Understand behavior expectations
- Learn to cooperate/lessen power struggles
- Learn to predict what will come next
Besides all of these reasons, a visual of the routines gives a child a lasting reminder of the steps of the routine. Once the verbal instructions are given, they evaporate with nothing to serve as a reminder if forgotten. With only verbal cues, there is just one way to help a child if she forgets the instructions. She must have them repeated and repeated and repeated. Not much independence comes from this.
Visual routines can be found lots of places. Some are very time consuming and others will require an outlay of some cash. It's a trade off between time and money. Here are some places to find visuals supports.
- http://www.schkidules.com
- http://smallbutkindamighty.com/2013/09/13/ten-great-visual-support-apps/
- http://www.choose-to-thrive.com/2013/08/how-to-make-travel-schedule-board-great.html
- http://www.setbc.org/pictureset/
- http://www.livingwellwithautism.com/how_to_use_picture_cards_and_schedules/self_care_visual_helpers
- http://schedulepower.net/
- https://www.etsy.com/market/visual_supports
- http://www.abaresources.com/store/index.php?route=product/category&path=71
This list gives examples of ways to use ready made, DIY or digital based materials.
I would love to hear which supports you choose.