Summer field trips! You might say, "What is that?" School field trips try to give some real life exposure to things that have been studied in the classroom. There is no reason, children shouldn't have a dose of education in the summer. This requires no workbooks, no writing and no set schedule. There are a few things that might make it a better experience.
The planning and execution of a family field trips depends on a lot of things.
- Where are you going? The zoo is a far different experience than a science museum.
- Is the weather a factor? So is it inside or outside? How should everyone dress?
- What are the down times to avoid crowds? Which day is slowest ? What hours are less crowded?
- How long will the family field trip last?
- What do I expect from the children? Will they stay in stroller the entire time?
- What will we take with us?
- Will the children be allowed to buy food or other items? How much will they be allowed to spend?
- Will there be an incentive plan to encourage good behavior?
Once these questions are answered, the answers must be communicated to the rest of the family. Why is this necessary? It will encourage compliance and decrease frustration for everyone. Bottom line, a positive outcome is a lot more likely with some planning. A visual schedule for the day with expectation is a good way to handle the preparation. A social story is another good way. No matter how you share the information, just make sure it's communicated in a way everyone understands. The beauty of a visual is that it can be portable and taken along. Anytime it's deemed necessary, the visual can be used to remind the family of the way the field trip is going to unfold.
I hope you have some great educational day trips this summer.