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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Mom, What's in Your Thought Bubble?

My imaginary thought bubbles are very different depending on the day. Does that mean that my thoughts are controlled by my circumstances? Maybe, at least, some of the time. I am not going to give my readers a lecture on why it is unhealthy and/or wrong to be controlled by circumstances. I struggle with this so I bet most everyone reading does too!

What else influences my thought bubbles. I call it capacity. There are times I've hit my limit. I cannot handle one more thing. My capacity is full. I have too much of everything. It may be different for every person but some possible categories are advocating, housework, shopping, lawn work, job responsibilities, volunteer commitments, relationship difficulties, ill children, parents or spouse. The list could go on and on with things that are using up capacity. When I hit this stage, my thought bubbles are not real positive or hopeful.

I know the spiritual ones among us are having a thought bubble that says, "what about God?" I have to admit, I don't turn to God as quickly as I should. There is a spiritual battle that is being fought that I'm not aware. Ephesians 6 warns me about this. Satan is trying to get my focus off of turning my eyes toward Jesus. The negativity comes. I have placed myself in a vulnerable position. I am at the spot of "no return." As a wise Christ follower I need to protect myself from this temptation to give up and give in to this negativity and lack of faith in God's power and provision.

What is a stressed out mom going to do? Well, here are some go to's that I try when I feel life controlling me instead of the other way around.


  • Stay connected with God by reading the Bible, praying and going to Church. The regularity of these disciplines make a huge difference in my thought bubbles.
  • When life is stressful, let non essential activities go. Yes, sometimes that means backing out of commitments even if that is something you don't do. No martyr complexes here. Do what you need to do to stay within your capacity.
  • If someone else can do it 80% as well as you, LET HER/HIM!! You don't have to do everything.
  • Take breaks regularly. Schedule relaxing things and use some of your capacity to figure how to make these breaks happen.
  • Be proactive in any and every way to keep yourself emotionally healthy and way below the meltdown stage. Don't give Satan a foothold in your

Let's covenant together to take captive every thought and keep it under the Lordship of Christ. It may take some effort to keep stress under the melt down line. Come back next Wednesday. I will share more from the scriptures that I have mentioned in this post.

Until then, keep those thought bubbles hopeful!