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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Learning to Shop as a Life Skill

As we look at the skills needed to live in the real world independently, it takes more than a shopping list to know what supplies are needed to live life. This could be tackled different ways but I wanted my son to have what he needed when he went to college for at least a semester. I poured over college packing lists, considered his personality and developed a list of what I thought he would need. No one wants to go to the drugstore when he gets a cold, cough and fever. Besides that, how would he know what he needed with all the choices in the cold aisle. I also have the experience of knowing what I purchase for our family members.

I researched everything. What is the best flashlight or over the door towel rack? I thought I would put together kits for his daily needs. I made a first aid kit. It had Ibuprofen, cough medicine, bandaids, melatonin, tweezers, nail clippers and all the supplements he takes. I also made hygiene kit. I put combo shower gel/shampoo/conditioner in small travel size bottles that were easy to carry to the shower. There was an extra deodorant and toothpaste in the kit. I chose to do the kits in the easiest way to help insure my son would be able to find the items he needs.

I put together all of the school supplies he needed and placed in a drawer organizer so he could find his supplies when he needed them. There was a file box with folders to store important paperwork that should be saved somewhere besides in a big pile under his bed.

It probably would of been great if I had taught him these things as I was doing them! Yes, it would of been great! One problem, I wanted my son to go to college. It was taking everything he had in him to deal with what was coming. I knew this year, I needed to design a system that would be simple but adequate so he didn't have to go to Walmart every week because that wasn't going to happen. Going forward, I do think that he can maintain this system for a few years. I even learned of a subscription service that Target offers to replenish these items on a schedule you set.

This is a start by modeling a way to purchase needed items. With online ordering, it should be a manageable system for a person with learning differences to maintain. Overtime, he needs to learn how to figure out what is needed before it is a crisis. Am I speaking your language, mom? I have found this comes in small steps for a child with a diagnosis but it is possible. It will take a lot of time, effort and patience to develop this life skill of shopping for daily living items.