- Communicate often. Relationships develop with lots of interaction. Remember to find things that the school is doing right. The old rule of 3 positive comments for one negative runs true when it comes to advocating.
-Request team meetings often. It enables all the team members to communicate and get to know each other. It's easy to move things forward with frequent meetings. It keeps members from getting frustrated with others.
-Be supportive to school personnel by volunteering, sending notes of encouragement or helping out on a big project.
-Bring solutions to the team. It may be others responsibility but things are more likely to move forward with your planning and problem solving.
-Keep emails to a minimum. Though email is quick, many times it isn't the best way to communicate especially when the situation is delicate or there are differences of opinion. Telephone and face to face communication usually is more effective in these situations.
-Recognize that effective advocating takes time especially if you have not been as involved in the process of solutions in the past. Advocating takes lots of patience and biting one's tongue. Otherwise, the child's progress might be sabotaged by a parent's actions and words. Remember, this about the child!
-A word of caution: there will be ups and downs in the process. Don't let those catch you off guard. Expect them.
Over the next few weeks I will take each of these suggestions and explore them in more depth. Please join me for the rest of the series.
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