A picture worth a thousand words. Is it true. For children with learning differences, many times a picture is far better than any words. Visuals help a child do everything from knowing where clothes are to setting the table. Labeling drawers and cabinets can develop independence for children. Here is a website to download free icons for labeling areas in the home: Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
I store toys and therapy materials with Sterilite bins An icon could easily be placed on each. A clear plastic container with an icon of contents would be another great way to organize toys. A child could find and clean up toys independently.
As you begin to think about visual labels around your house, start with one room at a time. Teach your child to use the labels to find items. It will begin by showing the child where to find or place then asking the child to do it. The labels can help develop independence but it will require encouraging the child to use the labels to find things on his/her own.
Next week, we'll look at visual schedules and routines.
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