Sunday, January 1, 2017
Normalizing Family Life
Today I start a new series that comes from a seminar I recently presented at a conference. The presentation was called Normalizing Family Life. Now we all want a little more normal but as we all know...
So how do we normalize family life just a little bit? Structure and Predictability is a good place to start. First, let's get a definition of both of these.
Structure- an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a system that gives meaning to an environment.
Predictability- consistent repetition of an action/behavior making it possible in advance to know what to expect.
We can get started talking about a plan once we define "normalize.
Bring to a consistent standard. Often meaning to return to the standard previously held.
Ok, as mom's and dads, goal is to return family life to some sort of s standard that was previously experienced before life became chaotic. This is done through developing a system in the home (and elsewhere) that becomes consistent and enables a child to know what to expect with each part of the day.
Why does Structure and Predictability matter? One of the biggest reasons is the reduction of stress. This is important for every member of the family. The child with learning differences often doesn't understand the "sweep of time." This causes anxiety for the child because he/she can't predict what will come next. Without dependable structures to aid in predicting the next thing on the schedule, there is often a constant panic creating a fight or flight reaction.
When this child is in this kind of emotional upheaval, so is the rest of the family. If the child with learning differences is calmer, so will the rest of the family.
Next week, we'll look at ways to create a more structured environment in your home.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Normalizing Family Life
One Piece At A Time
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