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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Words #3

Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety weighs down the heart,
   but a kind word cheers it up.

Anxiety ways down the heart.  Don’t I know this.  Life has anxiety.  Let me name a few things that have brought anxiety to my heart. 
  1. A daughter taken at delivery for more tests because of a medical condition.
  2. A husband who has been hospitalized with illnesses.
  3. Ailing parents and all the medical difficulties that come with this time of life.
  4. Doctors thought I had cancer and I needed to go to another city for evaluation.
  5. A daughter with a stroller fall that knocked her unconscious.
  6. A son diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
That’s a few of the things that have caused my heart heaviness.  In the midst of those times, a kind word helped so much.  It changed my demeanor and provided such hope.  Sometimes it was, “I’m praying for you.”  Other times it was, “I don’t know what to say but if I can do anything let me know.”  Still other times it was a big hug and the words, “ I love you.”  Those kind words may not seem like much but they do a world of good.  Share a little kindness with someone today!