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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Interventions Step 3

What do I do if my child’s school or therapist’s are just not working? Well let’s tackle the issue of school, first.

  1. If he has an IEP or 504 Plan ask for a meeting to make some revisions. (Consider working with a professional advocate if this is less than a friendly situation).
  2. Transfer to another school (this might require some research and possibly moving).
  3. Remember, don’t do anything rash if you have a more impulsive personality. Also, start moving toward action if you lean toward passivity.
  4. You could decide to homeschool your child.

If your professionals outside of school aren’t working or you are uncomfortable, here are some steps.

  1. If there is something outrageous don’t go back again or allow them to come to you home again. Let any supervisors know what happened.
  2. If there isn’t progress or you are unhappy after several weeks just end services. You can cancel future appointments. There is no need to give a reason.
  3. If they come to your home you will need to set an ending date. You can tell them you are taking a break from this service for now. Again, no explanation is necessary. Realize the person or agency may want an explanation but that’s up to you.

As a parent, you are the keeper of the keys of what services you want to pursue. She’s your child and you have a lot of wisdom and experience with her to evaluate others who work with her.