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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blessings of a Full Life


Image courtesy of winnond at

A full life with lots of activity gives freedom. IT DOES? Yes, really it does. Let me explain. When my life is very full, I don't have time to do lots of things. What things? Worry, control others, try to convince others how they should think just like me (my convictions or preferences), take up a cause or a friend's offense as my own. I have no time for that! Why does a full schedule produce freedom? It often keeps a person from forming these negative and unbeneficial habits.

If I practice control freak behaviors, being easily offended and critical attitudes, it is very habit forming. When I am very busy in my life, there is little or no time for these. What does that do? It enables me to stay out of those ruts. There will be a day when my life will not be quite as busy. I will have time and energy to do the things that God wants me to do with my extra time. If I practice those negative behaviors, they will steal my time and attention from important things that God wants me involved.

When your responsibilities cause you to long for a different situation, remember it may be one of the greatest blessings God gives to keep you growing in ways that will honor Him now and for years to come!