Are you like me? Do you have these ideas of the perfect _____________. Just fill in the blank! It could be the perfect vacation. It could be about having the perfect children or spouse. What about the perfect night sleep or family reunion. Expectations can ruin our enjoyment of so many activities that are suppose to bring lots of delight. It's great to have plans and goals. The question I must ask myself is, Are they realistic? Are they more about a fantasy world than real life?
Is there room in your expectations for something to go wrong or take more time than it probably should. I often think about the verse in the Book of John that tells me that in this world there will be trouble. That's from the Word of God! You can depend on it! Things will not always go according to plan. How will you respond to these irritants? Will it ruin your day? Your vacation? The camping trip? That is a choice. Life will be more enjoyable realizing that life isn't perfect. There are always snafu's to our plans. As summer plans unfold, a key to enjoying all that comes your way is remembering perfect is not normal! Normal life has ups and downs everyday! Realistic expectations are vital to enjoy our lives! Let's say NO to the temptation of the perfect life!