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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer-Competing Time Demands

Image courtesy of domdeen at

Do you feel yourself being pulled in a million directions? Ah yes, it's summer. depending on your children's ages, life can be intense! When children are young, the days can be so long. No activities to break up the day. Nap schedules put a stop to afternoons at the pool. That's hard on the other children but it's hard on a mom too! Places like the pool provide a respite from being home all day and provides some social contact with adults.

Older preschoolers and elementary age children usually had a few more things on the schedule. There is swimming lessons, Vacation Bible School, day camps and overnight camps. That's the scheduled things but there is usually a lot of playtime with the neighbors. So that means having a many extra children in your yard and house. There are snacks and drinks to pass out while keeping an eye on this crew. There are conflicts to resolve and sometimes discipline of your children for the way they are acting with all this social time. Are you exhausted yet? I haven't mentioned the evenings spent at baseball and softball games. Oh, then there are baths and showers. Sometimes, a lot of baths and showers.

Older children require a lot of your transportation services. Lessons, sports, helping out at church, babysitting, band practice. I'm not telling you anything new. You are living this life every single day for the next several weeks. what is a mom to do.

I know you want a clean house but it isn't very likely. A couple times this summer, hire a babysitter to take your children for an afternoon. This way, you can pull things together and make you feel, "Yes, my house is clean!" Recognize, it won't stay that way for long but for a few minutes, ENJOY!

Enlist the help of grandma, grandpa, a friend or an aunt to have some special time with your precious children. During this time, try to escape. If you need time to yourself, Starbucks is waiting serve you. You may want to see a mall without any little helpers with you. meet a friend if you can arrange both of your schedules. Oh, you might be able to meet your husband for lunch! Try to do this once a month during the summer. It's amazing what it will do for your mental health! A little time to breathe in fresh air without your children will do wonders for your patience and enjoyment of your concentrated time with your children this summer.