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Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Day of School, Done!


You have had the first day of school or it may be a few days away. There is so much to do; shopping, labeling items and getting them to school on meet the teacher night. There are earlier bedtimes and all the organization it takes to make school run smoothly. It may be a well oiled machine or one that is still in progress especially if you have babies or preschool children. You need a nap. If you have a chance, do it!

What is it that brings some refreshment? Try to do something that energizes you. We all need a little reward sometimes. It may be nothing more than a special treat at Starbucks. It might be an exercise class that offers childcare for your little ones. If you are home during the day, meaning you don't work outside the home, give yourself a break and refresh yourself. Remember the hours, that require your "A" game. There are those early mornings of getting everyone dressed, fed and in the car with backpacks and lunches in hand. Then off to school you go for drop off. You are exhausted and it's only 8:30. It starts again at 3:30 with after school activities, homework, dinner and getting ready to do it all over again tomorrow.

These are just the basics. There will be the emotional crisis when your child doesn't get invited to a birthday party. The illness that runs through your home, The one that I have to face that needs an extra measure of energy is the ups and downs of parenting a child with a disability. If a mom is going to do this well, she needs to reward herself with a little refreshment regularly. There will be e-mails, phone calls, notes, conferences and meetings. The demands will be great, be prepared. Filling your emotional tank with consistent refreshment will make a big difference in how you handle the challenges of life.