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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Top 10 List for Transitioning to School



School is a big change from summer! It doesn't matter was the setting is. It may be a huge high school or homeschool where the child is the only student. There may be incredible social and organizational demands or very few. Going from little schedule in the summer to lots of demands and non preferred tasks, is not easy. How can I help my child make the transition to this new normal? It must happen whether he likes the idea or not! This is his life (and yours) for the next nine months.

A Mom's Top 10 List: Helping Your Child Transition to School

  1. There are going to be some bad mornings, evenings, days at school and after school. It is inevitable.
  2. It helps to anticipate things that might be difficult and plan for them.
  3. Use a daily schedule at home and at school. This includes weekends.
  4. Help prepare the child for what is going to happen. Let him know "the schedule may change."
  5. Make sure he gets adequate sleep.
  6. Set some incentives for him to earn for handling his day well. Work with his teacher on this.
  7. Make sure his blood sugar stays high throughout his day. Good nutrition can really help behavior.
  8. Write and read social stories about areas of transition sharing the way to respond.
  9. Try to alternate preferred and non preferred activities especially right after school.
  10. Teach and use routines for daily activities. Children thrive on expected and understood structure.

These suggestions won't solve every issue as your child transitions back to school. It should help, though. I would love to hear what are some strategies that you are using to help transition your child to this school year.